Tag Archive for: Core Operational Excellence

Operational Excellence and Agile Integration: Alison’s COE Journey

When Alison’s company decided to implement agile principles across the whole organisation, there was uncertainty over how this would work in operational teams. Agile had its origins in software development, where it had been effectively used to rapidly deliver software in quick iterations. How would this work in a continuous operating environment? QBS’s Core Operational Excellence leadership development program gave Alison the frameworks to solve this, paving the way for successful Operational Excellence and Agile Integration.

The Issues

Alison was able to leverage the Core Operational Excellence program to identify some key pain points that she could address with an Operational Excellence and Agile Integration:

  • Large customer deliverables were managed in an inflexible ‘waterfall’ approach
  • Negative customer sentiment towards time and cost to build new system requirements
  • Low visibility of team workload
  • Poor visibility of current work status and process performance
  • Single points of failure exacerbated by gaps in process documentation

Actions Taken

With her team, Alison systematically tackled these pain points with some key actions:

  • Addressed process vulnerabilities in a Confluence knowledge base – a one-stop shop for the team
  • Increased cross-skilling and improved capacity utilisation
  • Chunked down customer deliverables into smaller deliverables measured as agile storyboard points and managed in sprints
  • Increased visibility of workload using a Kanban board
  • Established shared workload management meetings with a joint Jira board
  • Created dashboards to give visibility on status and performance

The Results

The results that Alison achieved within seven months are impressive and demonstrate the tangible benefits of Operational Excellence and Agile Integration:

  • Annual OPEX saving of $429k with a different approach to workload management
  • Further 1 FTE saving while managing a 30% increase in workload
  • Double the number of new requirements delivered to customers in the same amount of time (100% productivity gain)
  • More consistent customer experience – approximately 75% reduction in customer issues
  • Greater collaboration between teams and different areas of the business
  • 100% of key roles have succession plans

Her team are now working smarter, not harder, but the journey does not end here for Alison and the team. They now have a different way of looking at their operation and the mindset to improve!

Operational Excellence and Agile Integration in Your Organisation

If you and your leaders would like to sustainably solve your own operational challenges, start here to learn more about Core Operational Excellence and QBS’s other development programs.

Operational Excellence in Claims Management: Scott’s COE Journey

As an experienced manager of complex claims in the financial services sector, Scott was well aware of the unique challenges his team faced. Unlike typical operational teams, his group of experts dealt with high-value claims often involving litigation, each with its own complexities and nuances. Recognising the need for improvement, Scott turned to QBS’s Core Operational Excellence program, which provided him with the tools and strategies to achieve Operational Excellence in Claims Management. Through this program, he identified small, actionable changes that, when combined, delivered significant improvements to his team’s processes and outcomes.


Using a sharpened operational excellence perspective, Scott identified several key challenges that needed to be addressed:

  • Process documentation was rudimentary with limited standardisation
  • An over-reliance on individual expertise and judgement
  • A highly technical team – excellent depth but not breadth
  • Complex claims that were incorrectly sitting with normal claims teams 


Scott worked with his team on a number of targeted actions designed to address theses issues:

  • Developed guides and relevant job aides for complex claims
  • Standardised case management practices and increased use of templates, where applicable
  • Introduced fortnightly team knowledge sharing and lessons learned on large value claims using live case studies
  • Implemented a monthly learning calendar of relevant technical topics
  • Reinvigorated complex claims referral process
  • Allocated claim type based on team member skill
  • Engaged quantity surveyors and building consultants on large value claims
  • Introduced guides/checklists to identify recovery opportunities and ensure optimal case management

By standardising case management practices and implementing guides for complex claims, Scott demonstrated how Operational Excellence in Claims Management can address inefficiencies and deliver measurable improvements.


The results Scott achieved within six months are nothing short of amazing:

  • Productivity increased with the team servicing 15%-20% higher volume with same FTE
  • Complex claims referrals increased 50% resulting in savings of > $200k
  • Claim cycle time reduced from 250 days to 150 days 
  • Average claim cost reduced by 2% and increased claims with partial acceptance by 5%
  • Recovery rates from 3rd parties increased from 1-2% to 5-6%
  • Reduced claim cost on mid/large value claims by an average $10-15k per claim

The remarkable results achieved by Scott’s team showcase the true potential of Operational Excellence in claims management to optimise workflows, reduce costs, and enhance overall team performance.

If you would like your leaders to identify issues and quickly drive local operational improvement, click here to learn more about Core Operational Excellence and QBS’s other development programs.

Raising Business Maturity: Alex’s COE Journey

Alex’s background is typical of many COE graduates as she had worked her way up from being ‘on the tools’. She had excellent instincts for operational excellence but lacked formal leadership training. Embarking on the Core Operational Excellence leadership development program taught Alex the science behind her instincts and the confidence to further develop with the 70/20/10 learning approach. When she was promoted into a large leadership role following an acquisition, she sensed many gaps in the two business areas that had come together. Over the following six months during her COE training, she progressively identified and addressed these gaps, raising business maturity and helping her team step up.


The many challenges Alex found were consistent with a low maturity business:

  • Misaligned teams 
  • Some operational processes had nil process documentation and key person risk
  • Several teams had limited or no process data
  • Limited engagement with stakeholders (siloed)
  • No business plan or monthly reviews
  • Perception of insufficient staff – in reality, too much time spent on waste activity
  • Few employees had active development plans and succession gaps existed 


This had to be a team effort so Alex engaged her leaders from the outset to gradually lift the business maturity with numerous actions:

  • Aligned roles, objectives and operating rhythms 
  • Developed a business plan with a monthly review mechanism
  • Team meetings run with agendas, minutes and follow-up actions
  • Closed gaps in process documentation
  • Implemented individual development plans to address key skill gaps and reduce succession gaps
  • Commenced manual data tracking on priority areas
  • Established regular stakeholder communications
  • Focused improvements on several inefficient processes


The results that Alex achieved within SIX MONTHS are incredible:

  • Cycle time on two core processes reduced 70%
  • Increased employee engagement
  • Continuous improvement driven by customer feedback and structured risk assessments
  • 100% succession coverage with no key person risks
  • Process improvements reduced waste equivalent to 1 FTE
  • Culture change with leaders working as a team, delivering on their plans
  • Interest reduction of $40k pa from reduced refund events 
  • Team are increasingly using data to separate fact from fiction

To this day, Alex still keeps her ½ day per week for working on the business – there is no going back!


If you need your leaders to step up, raising business maturity and overall performance while reducing risks, click here to learn more about Core Operational Excellence and QBS’s other development programs.

Mastering Analytical Thinking: The Future of Skills

The Power of Analytical Thinking

Have you ever encountered individuals who cherry-pick facts and data to bolster their opinions, disregarding anything that doesn’t align with their narrative? There’s a good chance they lack the ability to derive meaningful and accurate insights from data. It’s rather ironic that in our increasingly data-rich world, so few know how to wield this information effectively. What we need is more analytics and fewer anecdotes.

The Research Verdict: Analytical Thinking Reigns Supreme

And the research solidly backs this up! According to the World Economic Forum’s 2025 “The Future of Jobs” report, analytical thinking is considered the most crucial skill (AND 2018, 2020 and 2023!). DeakinCo’s L&D research, which surveyed 200 organisations, also revealed that three of the top five reported skill gaps revolved around analytical thinking:

  1. critical thinking and problem-solving, 
  2. data analysis, and 
  3. data literacy.

Analytical and Creative Thinking: Complementary Forces

Analytical thinking goes a long way in enhancing our understanding of business dynamics, ultimately facilitating more effective decision-making. It transforms us into better leaders who pose more insightful questions to our teams – not just different questions, but better ones.

It’s essential to recognise that analytical thinking and creative thinking aren’t at odds with each other. Analytical thinking involves the capacity to tackle complex issues by evaluating information. Analytical thinkers can uncover patterns within datasets, often leading to creative and innovative solutions. In essence, these two skills complement each other harmoniously.

Overcoming the Fear: Building Analytical Skills

Many of our participants confess, “Data is not my friend” or “I’m more comfortable with words than numbers.” Spreadsheets often strike fear into their hearts. They’ve often convinced themselves they’re not cut out for it, before even giving it a shot. The good news is that acquiring these skills isn’t overly difficult, but learners need to see the relevance and have opportunities to practice in a supportive environment.

Bridging the Gap: External Expertise and Analytics

One challenge we’ve observed is the gap between some business leaders (whose performance is evaluated in very concrete terms) and HR/L&D functions, which might not hold the same appreciation for analytical skills. In such cases, it’s common to enlist external expertise to bridge this skills gap.

Our COE graduates, for instance, hone their analytical skills by analysing their actual processes with their own data – no hypothetical case studies here. This approach helps them become comfortable with data, enabling them to pose more profound questions. Consequently, they cease reacting solely to the latest data point and instead unearth the root causes of issues, granting them more time to concentrate on what truly matters. We teach our graduates to manage the patterns not the points! They discover they’re sitting on an ocean of data but are missing out on the valuable insights it holds, instead reverting to guesswork and perceptions.

Unearthing Opportunities: A Case Study

One recent graduate employed a straightforward analysis we assisted with to focus his team on the most significant opportunity areas, quickly realising over $2 million in benefits. COE graduates have shattered numerous myths through their analytical prowess.

Conclusion: Transforming Leaders through Analytical Thinking

Do you have leaders who could benefit from training on making data-driven decisions? Don’t hesitate to transform them into well-rounded leaders by developing their analytical thinking skills. Start the journey by checking out our program options here

Evolving Leadership Styles: Adapting to the Future of Work

In today’s business landscape, leadership styles can no longer afford to remain static. Conventional, one-size-fits-all leadership techniques are being replaced by more nuanced, adaptable approaches. The catalyst behind this shift? The recognition of the necessity to align leadership styles with the changing demands of the modern workforce, technological advancements, global competitiveness, and diverse work environments. Here, we explore how leadership styles are evolving and how these changes can lead the way towards a successful, future-ready organisation.

The Need for Adaptation

As we steer into the future of work, businesses face challenges characterised by rapid technological advancements, shifting work environments, diverse employee needs, and increasing global competitiveness. It’s evident that the conventional, one-size-fits-all leadership style is fading into obsolescence. Now, more than ever, leaders need to adapt and evolve, embracing the diversity and dynamism that defines the modern workforce.

The Shift to Core Operational Excellence

Core Operational Excellence is not just a program—it’s an approach that builds operational acumen (OQ) whilst further enhancing emotional intelligence (EQ). The program emphasises essential yet often overlooked aspects of leadership such as business planning, demand forecasting, capacity management, analytical thinking, process improvement, and data-based decision making. These skills are pivotal in steering organisations towards success in the face of contemporary challenges.

Developing Proactive Leaders

A key aspect of Core Operational Excellence lies in the development of proactive leaders. As opposed to the traditional reactive approach, being proactive involves anticipating changes, challenges, and opportunities in the business environment. This foresight allows leaders to devise strategic plans and solutions, fostering a culture of preparedness and resilience within the organisation.

Fostering Analytical and Critical Thinking

The program places a high premium on analytical and critical thinking skills, equipping leaders to analyse situations, see connections and relationships, anticipate impacts, make data-based decisions, and solve problems effectively. By fostering a culture of analytical and critical thinking, leaders can encourage their teams to approach challenges with a solutions-oriented mindset, driving innovation and continuous improvement.

Structured and Methodical Approach to Management

In the realm of modern leadership, a structured and methodical approach is indispensable. This involves meticulous planning, organising, and implementing processes—all geared towards achieving organisational goals. Through Core Operational Excellence, leaders learn to manage their teams, processes, and people effectively, contributing to a harmonious and productive work environment.

Empowering Teams for Improved Business Outcomes

Last but not least, Core Operational Excellence harnesses techniques that engage and empower teams to improve business outcomes. A well-equipped and motivated team is the backbone of any successful business, and this program is designed to transform leaders into catalysts who inspire and develop their teams to achieve operational excellence.

Take the Next Step Towards Leadership Evolution

The future of work calls for evolved leaders who can navigate change and drive progress. Our programs at Quality Business Services are designed to equip leaders with these crucial skills, providing a strong foundation for success in a dynamic business landscape.

Curious about how you or your team can adapt your leadership style for the future of work? Learn more about our Core Operational Excellence program and other offerings. Discover how we can help you cultivate proactive leadership, foster critical thinking, and empower teams to achieve outstanding business outcomes.

Explore Our Programs

Embrace change. Evolve your leadership style. Build a future-ready organisation with Quality Business Services.

Think Differently – Leadership Insider Interview Series

In this week’s Leadership Insider Interview Series,  interviews Anita Cunningham on how they ‘Think Differently’.

Quality Business Services is passionately dedicated to teaching individuals and organisations how to “think differently”. In a recent interview with Kath Clarke, QBS founder, Anita Cunningham, delved deeper into what this ethos means and how it is applied in our signature Core Operational Excellence program.

At QBS, we believe in the power of best practice principles as part of a Business Excellence Framework, leading to sustained organisational improvement. Anita stressed the importance of participants conducting self-assessments and living by these principles for effective operational improvements.

But, how do we help organisations think differently? Two key methods are systems thinking and critical thinking. Systems thinking is the understanding of how every part of an organisation is interconnected, and ensuring optimisation doesn’t result in another problem elsewhere. Critical thinking, on the other hand, encourages questioning and challenging of assumptions, promoting a deeper understanding of the issues at hand.

Interestingly, many leaders who participate in our programs find that these types of thinking are not as prevalent in their organisations as they should be. As Anita puts it, these concepts, while not new, are significant gaps for our participants, and their application often leads to enlightening moments.

It is this ability to inspire a fresh perspective and the subsequent “wow” moments that set our Core Operational Excellence program apart.

Watch the full interview to hear more from Anita and to understand why “thinking differently” is the secret sauce to achieving operational excellence. You’ll also learn more about the transformative power of our Core Operational Excellence program.

Watch now and start your journey towards thinking differently, and achieving operational excellence today.