Building Better Leaders

Expert Insights into Leadership

Revolutionising Risk: How QBS Shift the Operations Culture at a Major Bank

In a rapidly evolving financial landscape, the Risk Division of a major bank faced a unique set of challenges. Unlike other divisions that had embraced process maturity and business excellence initiatives,…

Transforming Incident Management: Nicole Blackwell’s COE Journey

In telecommunications, the pressure to deliver excellence while constantly reducing staff and resources is a familiar challenge. Nicole Blackwell, an Incident Management professional, was in a situation…

Transforming Field Leadership: Luke Freeman’s COE Journey

In the world of telecommunications, field leadership plays a pivotal role in ensuring smooth operations and high performance. Luke Freeman, Senior Field Lead at a leading telco, found himself facing significant…

Transforming Project Management: A COE Success Story

In the fast-paced world of telecommunications, project management is a critical discipline, ensuring that projects are delivered on time, within budget, and to the satisfaction of customers. Nathan, Portfolio…

Bringing Operational Excellence into a Consulting Practice: Damien’s Journey with COE

Damien (a Consulting Principal in a large technology provider) and his business were under significant cost pressure driven by external market changes. Prior to engaging in Core Operational Excellence…

Cost pressures to Driving Operational Improvement: Alan’s Experience with QBS

Alan, an executive in a large IT&T organisation, found himself facing significant challenges as the NBN (National Broadband Network) approached full rollout. Additionally, there was a strategic push…

From Field Technician to Global Leader: Grant’s Journey to Operational Excellence

Grant, the General Manager of International Field Services, embarked on a transformative journey when he enrolled in the Core Operational Excellence (COE) program. With a technical background and over…

Stale Service to Award Winning Experience: Charlotte’s Transformational Journey in MLC

As manager of one of the largest client contact centres in MLC, Charlotte was well aware of the importance of delivering exceptional service. However, she felt there was something missing—an opportunity…

Unlocking Operational Excellence Through Data Driven Decisions & Knowing ‘Why’: Andrew’s Shared Services Journey

As the Head of People Services at an Australian bank, Andrew had a strong background in process thinking and operational management. However, he faced a significant challenge – his leadership team lacked…

Unleashing Structure and Success: A Journey from Guesswork to Data-Driven Decision Making in an IT Function

Luke, the Head of Testing in a large IT function of an Australian bank, faced several challenges within his department before engaging in the COE program. The team lacked structure and a systematic approach…

The Art of Giving Yourself Permission to Think

Introduction: A Leader's Guilt  It's an all-too-familiar refrain from leaders – they simply don't have the time to pause and think. Oddly enough, this essential act often carries a heavy burden of…

The Evolution of Core Operational Excellence

If you've worked across different organisations, you've likely noticed that each one has its own unique personality, strengths, and weaknesses. My last corporate role at General Electric profoundly influenced…

Effective Workload Management: Why hiring isn’t the answer to your resource shortages

Too much work, not enough people. How often do leaders complain about being under-resourced? Chances are, you've probably said it yourself at some point. We are in a crisis of talent, and it seems there…

Tackling Backlogs with Queuing Theory: A Strategic Approach

Do you find yourself facing several operational challenges? Here's the scenario: Your team's backlog is growing, even though there doesn't seem to be an increase in demand. Your team is putting…

Mastering Analytical Thinking: The Future of Skills

The Power of Analytical Thinking Have you ever encountered individuals who cherry-pick facts and data to bolster their opinions, disregarding anything that doesn't align with their narrative? There's…

The Leadership Gap: Setting Your Leaders Up for Success

Do you remember your first leadership role? I do.  In an instant, I shifted from managing my own tasks to overseeing a national team of 8 staff and 30 contractors. My responsibilities now encompassed…

“The Ask” and How It Will Transform Your Organisation

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, organisations face numerous challenges, from declining employee engagement to ineffective leadership. Traditional management approaches often fall short,…

Revitalisation: From Crisis to Collaboration with QBS

Before partnering with QBS, a large IT&T company found itself grappling with significant challenges. External consultants were brought in, hoping to "fix" the organisation, but their presence was intrusive…

Bye Bye Outsourcing: Be the Hero of Your Own Problems and Optimise Your Operating Model!

In today's ever-changing business world, organisations face a simple truth: you can't outsource your problems. You have probably tried restructures, (more like shuffling deck chairs) or the death spiral…

Breaking Free from Learned Helplessness: Empowering Change through QBS’s COE Journey

Before engaging with QBS, this organisation was struggling to change behaviours and achieve operational and business improvement. It faced a culture that lacked focus on the customer and failed to effectively…
man in blue long sleeve shirt holding woman in gray sweater

Campaign Crash-Diets: Why Your Employee Engagement Approach is not Sustainable

Employee engagement is a critical factor in the success of any organisation. However, many companies are grappling with declining engagement levels, employee turnover, ineffective leaders, and missed business…

Overcoming Management Hurdles: From Fixing Points to Managing Patterns for Operational Success with QBS’s Competency-Based Program

Janet Robinson (client) - Testimonial Before engaging with QBS, our organisation had been grappling with process improvement efforts that were arduous and lacking in results. Projects often encountered…
Photo Of People Doing Handshakes

Thinking Differently: Putting Customers First, Breaking Silos & Efficiency Fast Tracks

I bet it wouldn’t take more than a few minutes for you to search your mind for a recent example of frustrations due to siloed business operations or failure to collaborate between departments.  I…
Core Operational Excellence - Leadership Training Program with QBS, MelbourneQuality Business Services

Leveraging the 70/20/10 Learning Model for Organisational Success: QBS’s Proven Approach

The world of professional development is evolving, and in the heart of this change lies the transformative 70/20/10 learning model. As more businesses appreciate the impact of continued learning on their…
Quality Business Services Melbourne - Leadership Training with University QualificationQuality Business Services

Nose in, Fingers Out: Liberating Leaders from Micromanagement

Unleash Your Leadership Potential and Embrace Operational Excellence. Imagine a workplace where leaders trust their teams, focus on strategic goals, and anticipate and prevent issues before they even…
Evolving Leadership Styles: Adapting to the Future of Work - Quality Business ServicesQuality Business Services

Evolving Leadership Styles: Adapting to the Future of Work

In today's dynamic business landscape, standing at the threshold of the future of work, leadership styles can no longer afford to remain static. Conventional, one-size-fits-all leadership techniques are…
Future-Proofing Organisations by Embracing the Digital Revolution - Quality Business ServicesQuality Business Services

Future-Proofing Organisations by Embracing the Digital Revolution

The rise of the digital revolution has transformed the business landscape, providing organisations with unprecedented opportunities for growth and innovation. However, embracing this shift is not an optional…
Crisis Management 101: Protecting Your Organisation in Uncertain Times - Quality Business ServicesQuality Business Services

Crisis Management 101: Protecting Your Organisation in Uncertain Times

We've all heard the old adage: "The only constant in life is change." But when unexpected change takes the form of a crisis, your business could find itself navigating uncharted waters. In times like these,…
The Foundation of Success: Unraveling the DNA of Leadership Essentials - Quality Business Services, MelbourneQuality Business Services

The Foundation of Success: Unraveling the DNA of Leadership Essentials

An organisation's success is no happy accident. It's a masterpiece crafted meticulously by skilled artisans known as leaders. Just as DNA forms the blueprint for every living organism, specific traits…
Harnessing the Zen of Leadership: A Monk's Approach to Operational Excellence - Quality Business ServicesQuality Business Services

Harnessing the Zen of Leadership: A Monk’s Approach to Operational Excellence

In the hustle and bustle of the corporate world, it may seem unusual to draw upon the wisdom of a Zen monk. However, their teachings, rooted in mindfulness, presence, and balance, offer unique insights…
Navigating the Corporate Jungle: A Survival Guide for Modern Leaders - Quality Business Services, Melbourne

Navigating the Corporate Jungle: A Survival Guide for Modern Leaders

The corporate world is often likened to a jungle. It's dense, competitive, filled with diverse creatures, and riddled with both seen and unseen challenges. To survive and thrive, leaders must navigate…
When Leadership Meets Pop Culture: Unlikely Icons of Operational Excellence - Quality Business Services, MelbourneQuality Business Services

When Leadership Meets Pop Culture: Unlikely Icons of Operational Excellence

In our mission to glean wisdom, leadership lessons aren't confined to the realm of boardrooms, management handbooks, or corporate seminars. They surround us, pervade our daily lives, and occasionally emerge…
Transformative Leadership: Inspiring Continuous Process Improvement - Quality Business Services, MelbourneQuality Business Services

Transformative Leadership: Inspiring Continuous Process Improvement

In the modern business landscape, success hinges not only on innovation but on continuous improvement. Leaders play a vital role in fostering this culture of persistent growth and evolution. This concept,…

Think Differently – Leadership Insider Interview Series

In this week’s Leadership Insider Interview Series,  interviews Anita Cunningham on how they ‘Think Differently’. Quality Business Services is passionately dedicated to teaching individuals and…

Productivity – Leadership Insider Interview Series

 In this week’s Leadership Insider Interview Series, Kath Clarke interviews Anita Cunningham on ‘productivity’. Maybe your organisation is due for a health…

Frameworks – Leadership Insider Interview Series

 In this week’s Leadership Insider Interview Series, Kath Clarke interviews Anita Cunningham on QBS’ frameworks and the importance in getting leadership results. We…

Busy Busy – Leadership Insider Interview Series

 In this week’s Leadership Insider Interview Series, Kath Clarke interviews Anita Cunningham on how the epidemic of ‘busy-ness’ and the truth lurking beneath! Maybe…

Variation – Leadership Insider Interview Series

 In this week’s Leadership Insider Interview Series, Kath Clarke interviews Anita Cunningham on what can be quite a dry subject “variation” - but listen in as Anita addresses…

70/20/10 – Leadership Insider Interview Series

 In this week’s Leadership Insider Interview Series, Kath Clarke interviews Anita Cunningham on their 70/20/10 learning approach. We talk about the 70/20/10 model, why QBS use it, and…

Who Is QBS & How Did We Start – Leadership Insider Interview Series

 In this week’s Leadership Insider Interview Series, Kath Clarke interviews Anita Cunningham on who QBS are, and how they got started! Propel your leadership journey to new heights…

Who IOE is for – Leadership Insider Interview Series

 In this week’s Leadership Insider Interview Series, Kath Clarke interviews Anita Cunningham on the IOE Program.  So if you are ready to take your leadership to new heights then take…

Who COE is for – Leadership Insider Interview Series

 In this week’s Leadership Insider Interview Series, Kath Clarke interviews Anita Cunningham on the COE Program.  So if you are ready to take your leadership to new heights then take a listen. Join…

Revolutionising Risk: How QBS Shift the Operations Culture at a Major Bank

In a rapidly evolving financial landscape, the Risk Division of a major bank faced a unique set of challenges. Unlike other divisions that had embraced process maturity and business excellence initiatives,…

Transforming Incident Management: Nicole Blackwell’s COE Journey

In telecommunications, the pressure to deliver excellence while constantly reducing staff and resources is a familiar challenge. Nicole Blackwell, an Incident Management professional, was in a situation…

Transforming Field Leadership: Luke Freeman’s COE Journey

In the world of telecommunications, field leadership plays a pivotal role in ensuring smooth operations and high performance. Luke Freeman, Senior Field Lead at a leading telco, found himself facing significant…

Transforming Project Management: A COE Success Story

In the fast-paced world of telecommunications, project management is a critical discipline, ensuring that projects are delivered on time, within budget, and to the satisfaction of customers. Nathan, Portfolio…

Bringing Operational Excellence into a Consulting Practice: Damien’s Journey with COE

Damien (a Consulting Principal in a large technology provider) and his business were under significant cost pressure driven by external market changes. Prior to engaging in Core Operational Excellence…

Cost pressures to Driving Operational Improvement: Alan’s Experience with QBS

Alan, an executive in a large IT&T organisation, found himself facing significant challenges as the NBN (National Broadband Network) approached full rollout. Additionally, there was a strategic push…

From Field Technician to Global Leader: Grant’s Journey to Operational Excellence

Grant, the General Manager of International Field Services, embarked on a transformative journey when he enrolled in the Core Operational Excellence (COE) program. With a technical background and over…

Stale Service to Award Winning Experience: Charlotte’s Transformational Journey in MLC

As manager of one of the largest client contact centres in MLC, Charlotte was well aware of the importance of delivering exceptional service. However, she felt there was something missing—an opportunity…

Unlocking Operational Excellence Through Data Driven Decisions & Knowing ‘Why’: Andrew’s Shared Services Journey

As the Head of People Services at an Australian bank, Andrew had a strong background in process thinking and operational management. However, he faced a significant challenge – his leadership team lacked…

Unleashing Structure and Success: A Journey from Guesswork to Data-Driven Decision Making in an IT Function

Luke, the Head of Testing in a large IT function of an Australian bank, faced several challenges within his department before engaging in the COE program. The team lacked structure and a systematic approach…

The Art of Giving Yourself Permission to Think

Introduction: A Leader's Guilt  It's an all-too-familiar refrain from leaders – they simply don't have the time to pause and think. Oddly enough, this essential act often carries a heavy burden of…

The Evolution of Core Operational Excellence

If you've worked across different organisations, you've likely noticed that each one has its own unique personality, strengths, and weaknesses. My last corporate role at General Electric profoundly influenced…

Effective Workload Management: Why hiring isn’t the answer to your resource shortages

Too much work, not enough people. How often do leaders complain about being under-resourced? Chances are, you've probably said it yourself at some point. We are in a crisis of talent, and it seems there…

Tackling Backlogs with Queuing Theory: A Strategic Approach

Do you find yourself facing several operational challenges? Here's the scenario: Your team's backlog is growing, even though there doesn't seem to be an increase in demand. Your team is putting…

Mastering Analytical Thinking: The Future of Skills

The Power of Analytical Thinking Have you ever encountered individuals who cherry-pick facts and data to bolster their opinions, disregarding anything that doesn't align with their narrative? There's…

The Leadership Gap: Setting Your Leaders Up for Success

Do you remember your first leadership role? I do.  In an instant, I shifted from managing my own tasks to overseeing a national team of 8 staff and 30 contractors. My responsibilities now encompassed…

“The Ask” and How It Will Transform Your Organisation

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, organisations face numerous challenges, from declining employee engagement to ineffective leadership. Traditional management approaches often fall short,…

Revitalisation: From Crisis to Collaboration with QBS

Before partnering with QBS, a large IT&T company found itself grappling with significant challenges. External consultants were brought in, hoping to "fix" the organisation, but their presence was intrusive…

Bye Bye Outsourcing: Be the Hero of Your Own Problems and Optimise Your Operating Model!

In today's ever-changing business world, organisations face a simple truth: you can't outsource your problems. You have probably tried restructures, (more like shuffling deck chairs) or the death spiral…

Breaking Free from Learned Helplessness: Empowering Change through QBS’s COE Journey

Before engaging with QBS, this organisation was struggling to change behaviours and achieve operational and business improvement. It faced a culture that lacked focus on the customer and failed to effectively…
man in blue long sleeve shirt holding woman in gray sweater

Campaign Crash-Diets: Why Your Employee Engagement Approach is not Sustainable

Employee engagement is a critical factor in the success of any organisation. However, many companies are grappling with declining engagement levels, employee turnover, ineffective leaders, and missed business…

Overcoming Management Hurdles: From Fixing Points to Managing Patterns for Operational Success with QBS’s Competency-Based Program

Janet Robinson (client) - Testimonial Before engaging with QBS, our organisation had been grappling with process improvement efforts that were arduous and lacking in results. Projects often encountered…
Photo Of People Doing Handshakes

Thinking Differently: Putting Customers First, Breaking Silos & Efficiency Fast Tracks

I bet it wouldn’t take more than a few minutes for you to search your mind for a recent example of frustrations due to siloed business operations or failure to collaborate between departments.  I…
Core Operational Excellence - Leadership Training Program with QBS, MelbourneQuality Business Services

Leveraging the 70/20/10 Learning Model for Organisational Success: QBS’s Proven Approach

The world of professional development is evolving, and in the heart of this change lies the transformative 70/20/10 learning model. As more businesses appreciate the impact of continued learning on their…
Quality Business Services Melbourne - Leadership Training with University QualificationQuality Business Services

Nose in, Fingers Out: Liberating Leaders from Micromanagement

Unleash Your Leadership Potential and Embrace Operational Excellence. Imagine a workplace where leaders trust their teams, focus on strategic goals, and anticipate and prevent issues before they even…
Evolving Leadership Styles: Adapting to the Future of Work - Quality Business ServicesQuality Business Services

Evolving Leadership Styles: Adapting to the Future of Work

In today's dynamic business landscape, standing at the threshold of the future of work, leadership styles can no longer afford to remain static. Conventional, one-size-fits-all leadership techniques are…
Future-Proofing Organisations by Embracing the Digital Revolution - Quality Business ServicesQuality Business Services

Future-Proofing Organisations by Embracing the Digital Revolution

The rise of the digital revolution has transformed the business landscape, providing organisations with unprecedented opportunities for growth and innovation. However, embracing this shift is not an optional…
Crisis Management 101: Protecting Your Organisation in Uncertain Times - Quality Business ServicesQuality Business Services

Crisis Management 101: Protecting Your Organisation in Uncertain Times

We've all heard the old adage: "The only constant in life is change." But when unexpected change takes the form of a crisis, your business could find itself navigating uncharted waters. In times like these,…
The Foundation of Success: Unraveling the DNA of Leadership Essentials - Quality Business Services, MelbourneQuality Business Services

The Foundation of Success: Unraveling the DNA of Leadership Essentials

An organisation's success is no happy accident. It's a masterpiece crafted meticulously by skilled artisans known as leaders. Just as DNA forms the blueprint for every living organism, specific traits…
Harnessing the Zen of Leadership: A Monk's Approach to Operational Excellence - Quality Business ServicesQuality Business Services

Harnessing the Zen of Leadership: A Monk’s Approach to Operational Excellence

In the hustle and bustle of the corporate world, it may seem unusual to draw upon the wisdom of a Zen monk. However, their teachings, rooted in mindfulness, presence, and balance, offer unique insights…
Navigating the Corporate Jungle: A Survival Guide for Modern Leaders - Quality Business Services, Melbourne

Navigating the Corporate Jungle: A Survival Guide for Modern Leaders

The corporate world is often likened to a jungle. It's dense, competitive, filled with diverse creatures, and riddled with both seen and unseen challenges. To survive and thrive, leaders must navigate…
When Leadership Meets Pop Culture: Unlikely Icons of Operational Excellence - Quality Business Services, MelbourneQuality Business Services

When Leadership Meets Pop Culture: Unlikely Icons of Operational Excellence

In our mission to glean wisdom, leadership lessons aren't confined to the realm of boardrooms, management handbooks, or corporate seminars. They surround us, pervade our daily lives, and occasionally emerge…
Transformative Leadership: Inspiring Continuous Process Improvement - Quality Business Services, MelbourneQuality Business Services

Transformative Leadership: Inspiring Continuous Process Improvement

In the modern business landscape, success hinges not only on innovation but on continuous improvement. Leaders play a vital role in fostering this culture of persistent growth and evolution. This concept,…

Think Differently – Leadership Insider Interview Series

In this week’s Leadership Insider Interview Series,  interviews Anita Cunningham on how they ‘Think Differently’. Quality Business Services is passionately dedicated to teaching individuals and…

Productivity – Leadership Insider Interview Series

 In this week’s Leadership Insider Interview Series, Kath Clarke interviews Anita Cunningham on ‘productivity’. Maybe your organisation is due for a health…

Frameworks – Leadership Insider Interview Series

 In this week’s Leadership Insider Interview Series, Kath Clarke interviews Anita Cunningham on QBS’ frameworks and the importance in getting leadership results. We…

Busy Busy – Leadership Insider Interview Series

 In this week’s Leadership Insider Interview Series, Kath Clarke interviews Anita Cunningham on how the epidemic of ‘busy-ness’ and the truth lurking beneath! Maybe…

Variation – Leadership Insider Interview Series

 In this week’s Leadership Insider Interview Series, Kath Clarke interviews Anita Cunningham on what can be quite a dry subject “variation” - but listen in as Anita addresses…

70/20/10 – Leadership Insider Interview Series

 In this week’s Leadership Insider Interview Series, Kath Clarke interviews Anita Cunningham on their 70/20/10 learning approach. We talk about the 70/20/10 model, why QBS use it, and…

Who Is QBS & How Did We Start – Leadership Insider Interview Series

 In this week’s Leadership Insider Interview Series, Kath Clarke interviews Anita Cunningham on who QBS are, and how they got started! Propel your leadership journey to new heights…

Who IOE is for – Leadership Insider Interview Series

 In this week’s Leadership Insider Interview Series, Kath Clarke interviews Anita Cunningham on the IOE Program.  So if you are ready to take your leadership to new heights then take…

Who COE is for – Leadership Insider Interview Series

 In this week’s Leadership Insider Interview Series, Kath Clarke interviews Anita Cunningham on the COE Program.  So if you are ready to take your leadership to new heights then take a listen. Join…